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Read This If You Want To Make The Most Out Of Your Landscape

Apr 19


Have you ever taken a walk around your neighborhood and taken note of all the beautifully landscaped homes? Have you ever wished that you could make your home look like that? If you have, then take the time to read this article. It will give you some valuable tips to help you transform your home.

Dungeness Landscaper 

Use stones, and pebbles to decrease the amount of grass on your lawn. Stones and pebbles are attractive additions to any yard, and they do not require regular maintenance. Grass requires regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Reducing the amount of grass in your yard can help to save you time, and energy.

Invite wildlife into your garden. Birds, squirrels and butterflies can add beauty to a yard, and they will also benefit your plants. You can invite them into your yard by leaving out food, strategically placing bird feeders, and having sources of water spread throughout the garden. You will love watching the animals and listening to the birds every time you enter your garden.

Always use odd numbers of plant groupings. It is more pleasing to the eye and more natural looking to see groups of 3, 5 or 7 plants than groups of 2, 4 or 6. Aim for plantings that are more triangle-shaped than square-shaped, and your landscaping will have more eye appeal.

When you start performing a landscaping project, it is very important to establish a budget first. Certain tools, accessories and live plants can be more costly than you think and can make an impact on your plans. Do your research online to get an approximation of how much it will cost to complete your project.

Plan before you start shopping. It's important to know what you're getting yourself into. Before you go shopping for the things you need, make a plan for yourself. Determine exactly what you're doing, what the costs will be, and the skill level involved. It would be unwise to just start landscaping without some sort of plan. You could easily end up wasting a great deal of time, and money.

When planning out your landscape design, carefully consider the colors of the flowers, trees and grasses that you intend to use. You may discover that limiting your palette to only one or two colors has the greatest visual impact. Choosing too many contrasting colors may make your landscaping appear disheveled and wild.

Always wear proper safety gear when doing any landscaping projects. This includes wearing good strong gloves to protect your hands. Wear eye protection when using any power saws or tools. And remember to protect your skin from the sun by wearing long-sleeved shirts or a good sun screen lotion and a hat.

Use annuals to bring color to your project. Perennial flowers are wonderful but they have a short lifetime, usually only a few month. Fill your beds with annuals and they will stay colorful throughout the year. Use perennials to complement the color scheme you have already established with the annual flowers.

When selecting trees for your landscaping project, look for those with rough, glossy or peeling bark. Birch, crepe myrtle, paperbark maple and Japanese cherry trees all have interesting bark that can add texture and visual appeal to your landscape design. Choose trees with bark colors that complement other aspects of your landscape, such as stones or flowers.

Focus on plant, and garden organization, that takes care and treatment similarities into account. Many plants share common fertilizer, and maintenance needs. If you group plants together according to their health requirements, including sun exposure, you will minimize your maintenance time through consolidation of effort. Your feet will thank you at the end of the day.

Do it yourself landscapers would be wise to scatter annual plants throughout their design rather than solely using perennials. Perennials only bloom for short periods of time throughout the year, while annuals will bloom all season allowing your landscape to look more complete, and attractive a majority of the time.

If you're hoping to sell the house in the future, it's critical to enhance the home's curb appeal through tasteful landscaping. A healthy green lawn, some landscape stones, or even a birdbath, can attract buyers better than dead grass and a colorless landscape!

Don't be afraid of the unusual or unique when it comes to plants to use in your landscaping. Plants that are 'not the norm' can give a sense of variety and even drama to a garden. They should be used sporadically to give a flair to certain areas. Be careful, though, to read the requirements for each plant to make sure they are getting enough light and water to survive!

As you can see, with the information that you have just read, you can definitely make a difference on how your home looks. Now take this information and experiment with it around your home. Feel free to educate yourself on other ideas, as well. Small simple changes can often have quite an impact.

Dungeness Landscaper